A Swing, a swing!!
Fetish Fantasy Series Fantasy Swing by Pipedream
Oh, Oh, Oh. I tell you what, I am really a kinky person now. I own, and use, and I love my Sex Swing. I say that I am kinky now, as opposed to any time before, because growing up in the 80’s the really wild kinky people were the only ones who had sex swings. That was just over the edge. ( Ok, I grew up in North Dakota)
The Swing is for everybody and anybody. Men, Women, couples of any type. Young and old alike. I actually think that the swing would be great for older couples as it helps to relieve some of the issues with sore backs, knees, and hips. I like to sit in my swing alone and bounce. You don’t need to have a partner to use and enjoy the swing. The feeling of weightlessness is great and you can just hang around in it. This swing will actually support a person or persons up to 300lbs. I could see it getting uncomfortable with the straps the larger you are. I weigh right at 150lbs but my husband is at 200 so we did not get into the swing together.
The swing and set up are included. The steel eye bolt attaches to your ceiling. It was not difficult to find the rafter and place the screw. You can use a stud finder or construction mathematics to find your center of your rafter. We predrilled a hole and then screwed in the eye bolt. The eye bolts can also be purchased at local hardware stores and you can place them around your home and move your swing around where you want it. My husband was very impressed with the fact that the eye bolt is actually welded into a solid ring which he states gives it extra support and strength. We used a bar to assist with the screwing in of the eyebolt. There is a warning to not remove and reinstall the eyebolt as this will weaken the connection into the wood. Once it is in leave it there!! That is why I said to get more eye bolts and hang them.
You attach a chain to the eyebolt and you can adjust the links in the chain to the height that you want your swing to be. The chain is long enough that the swing could actually dang near set on the floor. The chain attaches to the eyebolt with an included carabineer. Actually the man says those aren’t the good ones and to get a sturdier one. Then the torsion spring is attached to the chain. It is a very sturdy spring that allows you to go up and down and bounce in the swing. Do not put hands near spring with use as you can get your fingers and parts pinched.
There is another carabineer and round bolt that attach to the spring. The final metal bolt attaches into an arched metal piece that has a support bar welded into it. The arch is 20 inches long and 2 inches wide. The final metal bolt has 2 nuts on it and retention pins. There is no way it is coming off of the arch.
The nylon webbing is stretched across the top of the metal arch and secured in 3 different spots. The nylon straps are two inches wide. The straps hand down 11 inches to a large plastic connector that connects the seat and back area. The plastic connector is very large and sturdy. The connectors are two inches long and each slide portion is ½ inch thick. Both the seat portion and the back portions are fully adjustable.
**My measurements are approximates only and they measure to the use area that ends with the stitching.**
The back portion has straps that when they are fully extended they measure 21 inches to the padding which sits in the middle. That is 12 inches fully shortened to the padding. The padding is 23 inches long and 3 inches wide. The padding over hangs the webbing by ½ inch on each side.
The butt portion straps are 13 inches at the shortest and 25 inches at the longest to the padding. The padded area is 22 inches long with the padding extending the webbing by ½ inch on each side.
The leg portion straps are 15 inches at shortest and 26 inches at longest. The area of the leg straps is 20 around. With the entire area having 20 inches of padding. You can place your feet, ankles or calves into this area.
The entire swing hangs down approximately 36 inches from the metal arch. It may vary depending upon how you have your straps tightened.
The padding. This is the only area that I see lacking. My husband explained it as the interior padding is white foam. This is the less dense padding that crushes easily. If it had black or grey foam in the inside it would hold up better. The padding does stop the webbing from cutting into your skin but it does get uncomfortable after a period of time and readjusting has to happen.
You can take your swing down from the eye bolt in the ceiling or at the bottom of the spring with the carabineer. The swing with the metal arch is only 20 inches long and it will fold into an area of 2 feet or less and the straps don’t take up much room. You can place it in a small skinny Rubbermaid style of container or we just put it behind our bed.
Many persons have said to hang a plant on the eye bolt but some person said to place a dummy fire detector piece over the eye bolt and dang, it works!!! Some one may wonder why you have 4 fire detectors in your bedroom but most people don’t pay that close of attention anyway.
The swing webbing can be wiped down with a wet soapy washcloth to clean off spots. The same with the nylon that is covering the foam padding. There really isn’t any other way of cleaning it.
The sing has really good construction and I have no issues with trusting the safety of it. Yes, the first time you use it you are watching your eyebolt praying your husband did it right. The webbing and the connections are very tough and sturdy. I can see us using this for years.
As for positions, I will let you look that up and use your imagination. The possibilities are limitless. I love the feeling of weightlessness and putting my head back and just hanging out. This could be a drawback for someone who gets motion sickness. I can sit in the swing and bounce my self. I actually which that I could make the back strap tighten up more to place me into a sitting position so that I could sit in it and watch TV. At it’s tightest I am still at about a 30 degree angle.
Honestly, I could see this as great for when you have a cranky baby and you could sit in it with the baby and comfort them. ( I did not just say that!)
A warning: If you are a squirter or a person with a large amount of juices you may want to place a towel on the floor under the swing. It does work well to heighten your experience.
After out very first use of the swing I sat in it for another half hour or so, just amazed at the sensations and comfort. I can rave on and on about this swing and would suggest to everyone who would listen to me. I am trying to figure out how I can explain the joys of it to my parents and get them one for Christmas. It would work well for those with chronic pain, aches and pains, any type of back, hip or knee problems. It is very easy to get in and out of and you can adjust it to fit you and your partner.
I would definitely rate this at a 4.5 out of 5. The only draw back that I can see is the lack of sufficient padding. One person suggested to me to roll up a towel. I was thinking that I know someone who sews and I may get her the supplies to make me a heavier padding that I can Velcro over the existing padding and take off to wash.
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